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Mozambique Travel Checklist

Mozambique is one of the top beach destinations in the world! Make the most of this unforgettable paradise by preparing corretly and knowing what you might expect. Use our helpful guide below to learn more tips, tricks and checklists for your next Mozambique Holiday.

Download your travel checklist here


Special compulsory 3rd party insurance for Mozambique

  • Sold at all branches of Outdoor Warehouse.
  • This covers the insured for any 3rd party liability in Mozambique caused by or in connection with the vehicle designated, including:
  1. Death or bodily injury to any 3rd party who is not a family member or employee of the insured and
  2. Damage to 3rd party property.
  • It is advisable to buy such insurance from Hollard Insurance Mozambique.
  • It is a subsidiary of Hollard, the largest independent insurer in South Africa, and it offers a Maputo office all-hours number in case you are involved in an accident.

NOTE: There are no facilities for buying 3rd party insurance at the new Limpopo border post. If you have a trailer you must specify this and pay an extra amount.

Vehicle’s registration papers (also for trailers)

  • If your vehicle is under finance from a bank, you need a letter from the bank authorizing you to take it across the border. The bank will probably also still hold the actual registration certificate, so you will have to get a faxed or scanned copy from them. (Make photocopies of any faxes.)
  • If you are in any other way not the owner of the vehicle, you will need a certified letter from the owner authorizing you to take the vehicle across the border.

Vehicle Insurance Letter

  • A letter from your insurance company confirming that your vehicle is insured and for which countries

Temporary vehicle import papers

  • DA341 form, only available at the border.
  • Also declare items such as a generator, fridge/freezer and camping and fishing equipment.

Valid driver’s licence

  • South African and international licences are recognized.
  • Keep your licence and vehicle papers on you at all times.


  • Which will not expire within six months of visit, for adults and children.
  • Visas are not required by SA passport holders for tourism purposes for a stay of up to 30 days.
  • On entry you will have to pay a levy on your passports and a road tax levy in Meticais.
  • Another tariff table applies to entry through the Limpopo gate.


  • Travelers entering from Swaziland have to complete the necessary Swazi documentation.

Medical aid

  • Check that your medical aid provides medical insurance in Mozambique.
  • If necessary buy a temporary policy through a reliable travel agent in South Africa.
  • Emergency road or air evacuation can be very costly.

Black and white ZA sticker

  • Black and white ZA sticker on the back of the vehicle, including on trailers.

Towing a trailer

  • If towing a trailer, display a sticker with a yellow triangle on a square blue background, on both the front of the vehicle and the rear of the trailer.

All trailers and caravans

  • All trailers and caravans must display a full chevron or reflectors at the rear and yellow reflective tape on the sides.

Two Red warning triangles

  • Pack two red warning triangles, for use in case of breakdowns, must be kept in the vehicle.

Reflective vest

  • A reflective vest should be worn whenever you have to: repair a vehicle at the side of the road; when dealing with a road accident; when loading, unloading or clearing away cargo which has fallen on to the road or on the roadside.

Compulsory vaccination

  • Documentation confirming compulsory vaccination: Yellow fever (if from endemic country).


An extra jerry can of petrol or diesel is advised

  • Fuel is more expensive in Mozambique.
  • Credit cards and garage cards are not accepted for fuel.
  • Avoid using very small garages as low pump rates can mean dirty fuel.

Vehicle lights

  • Ensure that your vehicle and trailer lights and indicators are all working.

Make allowances for road condition

  • Main roads are mostly tarred, but the quality varies and there are many pot-holes, particularly just north of Xai-Xai.
  • More minor roads are almost all only suitable for 4x4 driving. Do not risk them with a 4x2 vehicle, not even with a diff-lock.

NOTE: Landmines are still a risk on less traveled roads. Check with your resort about the roads in its vicinity.

Avoid travelling at night

  • It is very dangerous. There are vehicles without lights or reflectors and many pedestrians and cyclists beside/in the road.
  • Broken-down vehicles are left in the road, sometimes indicated by tree branches.
  • If you have to drive after dark, drive slowly.

Avoid driving alone

  • Breakdowns can be difficult to deal with (no infrastructure nor spare parts).
  • Take basic spares along and a proper, quality tow-rope. Keep your headlights off during the day and keep your seat-belts on at all times.

Speed limits

  • Speed limits on open roads are currently 100 km/h, but there are many speed limits around villages and crossings.
  • A 60 km/h speed limit becomes 50 km/h if you are towing a trailer.
  • There are many speed traps, so be careful. Keep well within the speed limits, as authorities might use outdated and non-calibrated radar and other equipment.
  • If you are stopped, traffic police will show you the alleged speed and you will need to produce both your licence and vehicle registration papers. Officers may then be paid on the spot, in Meticais, for which they must give you a receipt on which is specified the traffic violation, the relevant part of the road ordinance and the monetary value of the fine.
  • Alternatively they will keep your licence while you go to the nearest police station, pay the fine and return with the receipt. By law, traffic officers are obliged to produce proof of identity and you have the right to request it.

*Camping is only allowed in authorized and demarcated areas.

*Access to beaches is only allowed on existing roads

It is illegal to drive on the beach unless you are launching a boat

  • Offenders could have their vehicles impounded.
  • A Mozambican permit to launch a boat is obtainable at the Maritime Office in any major town along the coast or from resorts.
  • Launch fees vary according to the boat and cover a 30-day period.
  • The two kinds of fishing licences (deep sea and spear fishing) also last for 30 days.
  • If you buy fish to take home, it is nevertheless advisable to buy a fishing permit.

Cellphone coverage

  • Have roaming enabled (expensive calls) or don’t be network-locked and install a local SIM card and buy pre-paid airtime. Coverage extends around Maputo, Beira, some coastal locations and a few other towns.

Local currency

  • Local currency is the metical (plural: Meticais) at ± 3500 mt to the Rand.
  • Exchange about R500 at the border, then more at a bank in Mozambique.
  • Meticais are also available at Rennies Bank in Nelspruit.
  • Credit cards can be used in major hotels.

Recommended vaccinations

  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Tetanus
  • Meningitis.

Toilet paper

  • Take enough for the whole trip.

Certified copies

  • Make certified copies of all documents.


Effective malaria prophylaxis

To avoid ticks

  • Wear long trousers and use insect repellent in bush or wooded areas.

Sun protection

  • Apply sunblock regularly
  • Wear a good sunhat

First aid kit

  • Make sure you have a good First aid kit with sterile needles, syringes and sutures if destined for a remote area.

Bottled water and water-purifying tablets

  • Always drink bottled, boiled or purified water and avoid ice, raw and unpeeled fruits and vegetables.

Toilet seat covers for facilities at garages etc.

  • Wet wipes
  • Take your own frozen meat 

4. VEHICLE EQUIPMENT (some items apply to 4x4)


Power management

Useful power accessories

  • Good quality map
  • GPS for far north or rural areas (track log feature advisable)
  • Dual battery kit
  • Spare 12V battery
  • Battery cable
  • Battery charger
  • Battery monitor
  • Inverter
  • Inverter lead (adapts 2-pin to 3-pin)
  • Battery box
  • Spare fuses and globes
  • Battery clamps
  • Battery terminals
  • Extension lead
  • 12V extension
  • Harrison/Hella/cigarette
  • 12V extra socket adapters
  • Lighter plugs

Vehicle recovery and tyres


Fuel and water containers

  • Recovery kit/straps/shackles
  • Folding spade
  • High-lift jack
  • High-lift jack adapters
  • High-lift base plate
  • ‘Ease out’ recovery bag
  • Recovery gloves
  • Tyre repair kit
  • Tyre repair kit refills/patches
  • Tyre lever
  • ’Shield’ Tyre foam
  • Tyre pressure gauge
  • Wheel spanner
  • Spare wheel / second spare tyre
  • Seat covers
  • Seat organizer
  • Cargo net
  • Boot mat
  • Heavy-duty floor mats
  • Reflective sun shield
  • Petrol or diesel can
  • Spout
  • Funnel
  • Siphon
  • Water container
  • Spare caps for containers
  • Water / Fuel can hose
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