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National Luna Cigarette Lighter Socket to Hella Male Adapter, product, thumbnail for image variation 1
National Luna Cigarette Lighter Socket to Hella Male Adapter, product, thumbnail for image variation 2
National Luna Cigarette Lighter Socket to Hella Male Adapter, product, thumbnail for image variation 3
National Luna Cigarette Lighter Socket to Hella Male Adapter, product, thumbnail for image variation 4

Product Information

National Luna Cigarette Lighter Socket to Hella Male Adapter
  • Plug into existing car cigar lighter and converts to Hella female
  • 12 Volt, 20 Amp rated
  • This adapter will not work when inserted into an Accessory Power Socket - commonly used in vehicles for charging GPS, cell phones, I-pads, cameras...
  • Auxilliary sockets do not have the required positive clip connectors for this adapter to function. It will only operate when inserted into a cigarette
  • Excluding Hella Male connector

National Luna Cigarette Lighter Socket to Hella Male Adapter


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